Not that stuff, the humor in that is easy. Last night I was changing Harper, and made a series of rookie mistakes. Rookie mistake #1: while changing Harper, I didn't have the replacement diaper ready. So she had a little poop in the first diaper, and I was scrounging around getting the 2nd diaper ready, when a lot more came. I scrambled to kind of keep some of her clothes and the sheet clean. Here comes rookie mistake #2: I was holding her bottom up trying to get the poop under control when she peed. Now, when I say pee, don't think about some little dribble. Think about a male tiger marking it's territory. My god it went everywhere. The sheet and clothing I had tried to keep clean, the sheets on our bed (which she wasn't even on). Both my arms up to my upper arms. Then, to top it off rookie mistake #3. This is really more French bathroom accoutrements rookie mistake #1, than diaper changing mistake #3. I wanted to get the clothing and sheets that had poop and pee on them somewhat clean before I put them in with the rest of the laundry, so I figured I would take advantage of the basically unused bidet. For those of you who are also unfamiliar with how it works, I'm sure there's a wikipedia entry about it. But for the purposes of our little tale here, there's a "bath" function, and a "shower" function. Therefore there's a knob that adjusts between the two. I had the hot water flowing pretty good in a predominantly bath mode. I leaned over the bidet to reach this knob, and gave it a good twist. Apparently there's a lot more capacity for water flow in the bath mode than in the shower mode, because the little twist I gave the knob made a LOT of water come from the little tiny showerhead. And yeah, it pretty much hit me right in the face. The water then deflected off of my face and showered the rest of the bathroom. Probably the most slapstick part of it is that I had to lean forward, more into the stream, to get to the knob to shut it off.
All I can say is that I find potty humor pretty damn funny in general, and I had been laughing about each of these individual incidents. The combination of the three had me roaring.
Is it me or is Harper sleeping during your story??
well, this is the best thing I've ever read on the Internet.
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