Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Re-finishing a Floor and My Love for Previews

I spent labor day re-finishing a guest bedroom floor. Holy shit was that hard work. My body is still sore from the 10+ hours I spent on hands and knees - AND I am not even finished with the project. I currently have 1 layer of varnish, and I need to sand, then do a second layer, then I plan on doing to fancy trim painting. Things I learned:
1. It takes more product for an amateur than the online tutorials and product labels will have you believe. I had to do an emergency trip to Lowe's for more stripper even though I thought I had enough.
2. Knee pads, knee pads, knee pads.
3. Video gaming controllers are not the only things that can give you hand-overuse injuries.

I also saw Superbad this weekend. I won't say anything more because every review I have read loved it, and I did too for all the same reasons already documented: Salon.com Superbad Review (you will need to watch an ad unless you are a subscriber.)

I love watching previews. In fact, this may be the sole reason I still go to the theater. We have a completely kick-ass home entertainment system, we have a net flix subscription - but I still go to the theater once a week; it must be for the previews. And previews get me to Vin Diesel. The Hitman preview looks good, AND I am a fan of Deadwood, and Timothy Olyphant, BUT the Hitman should have been Vin Diesel. Come on, what other role could possibly be more perfect for Vin, maybe Cylon model 12 on BSG (no spoilers, I just started season 3). Maybe Gengis Khan in version of history that makes Genghis a cyborg. Maybe a villian in a new Chuck Norris film, but it will suffice to say that the Hitman should have been Vin Diesel. I hope Babylon AD is worth-it for Vin not to have been in Hitman.

Ah, and here is my favorite Chuck Norris-ism:
"When Chuck Norris jumps in water Chuck Norris doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norris-ed"

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