Saturday, September 15, 2007

Really ... Who IS This Guy

A dude got kicked out of our EMT class today. Showed-up after lunch drunk. I kid you not. Drunk! At least he was a chatty/happy drunk. Not smart, but thrilled about life and happy to talk about everything he was interested in. Started a loud ramble about almond scented blood and how he heard that was bad... um yeah that would be cyanide poisoning. Then when the instructor mentioned the "Golden Hour Rule" he burst out with "I know about golden showers." That was when he was written up and booted out of class.

Other than that class was uneventful. I stayed late and took vital signs on all the teachers. Why am I still a kiss-ass in school?

1 comment:

dredful said...

Are you sure you are not on a reality TV show? I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.