Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Good Lie

It is still hot hot hot. My body's seasonal memory says that it should be 40 degrees at night, and instead it barely gets to 80.

Why do I have acne? I am almost 31 and think my skin should calm down. I wash my face twice a day; I use
Benzoyl Peroxide Cream; I use salicylic acid, and yet I still have acne. This all started with the move the Virginia (I blame the heat and constant sweating), and the cessation of birth control pill usage. Yet another way the pregnancy thing stinks. - no not pregnant yet.

I am reading 'Special Topics in Calamity Physics' by Marisha Pessl. Check out the website which is great fun to use with the book.

Rick has just been introduced to Nail Gaiman - lucky him, I wish I could again read 'American Gods' for the first time.

EMT class continues: we have our airway and ventilation practical this week. 8 hours of airway management on Saturday.

I am hoping to visit the Williamsburg Storytelling Festival this weekend. Hearing a well-told story is magical. It is what I love about books, movies, and television. A well-told, inventive lie is forgivable if the story is good. This is why I still cannot understand the 'I am a doctor' lie that is apparently SOP for a man looking for action in Las Vegas. These men should try a good story. I have always liked 'I cap oil-well fires', or 'I am a large animal trainer." These stories are still lies, but might keep an interesting woman around long enough to hear more. The only good fib I heard during my one-and-only Vegas romp was 'We are in a band. It's called the Cleveland Steamers.' (WARNING on link: this is a nasty and fake sex act). These band members even had matching Cleveland Steamers bowling shirts.

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