Monday, October 1, 2007

$400 Laser Hair Removal

So, I just won $400 (UPDATE: Okay, just found out, everyone wins $300 if they enter the contest - I got an extra $100 because the clinic I am going to is new, and is trying to get new business, hmm...) of laser hair removal, or skin rejuvenation, or cellulite reduction therapy from American Laser Centers. This is very strange, and I have no idea whether I want to use this, or even what I would use the prize on. I have a consultation tomorrow to go over my options. I have this horrible fantasy that I go in and they have a fun-house style mirror that makes me look like I have deep wrinkles around my eyes, furrows on my forehead, and cellulite everywhere. All the treatments they offer, except the laser hair removal, seem like utter hokum to me, but $400 doesn't get you much laser hair removal.

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