Thursday, January 8, 2009

Shots Anyone?

I do feel grown-up when shots actually mean medical professional administered medicines in a needle and not alcohol. Harper's second set of vaccines was this morning and went about as well as they possibly could have. She screamed for about 2 minutes and then was fine. Not even the all-day-nap that most vaccine doctor visits bring on (bummer).

14lbs 12 oz. (75%)
24.5 inches long (50%)
16 inch head circumference (50%)

Little porkier this time around, but hey she wears her weight well.

Our trip mentioned in the last post is now planned. Late March in Sedona for a week. I really do wish to make it to Seattle this year. Too many friends and family out that way for me not to do it. It is only the 9 hours in airports and airplanes that keeps me away, and with Harper along I can't just pop an Ambien and magically appear at my destination. When will she be old enough for the benadryll?

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