Friday, August 22, 2008

Would REALLY Like To Meet The Baby

No baby yet. I am so ready. Packed. Tired. Mentally Prepared. Rick is ready. Heck, even Osa seems ready (based on her demonstrating how to nap all day).
My mantra: today is a good day to be born.

That said Rick, Meghan (29 weeks pregnant), and I had a very nice dinner of Chinese take-out at the marina last night. We were treated to a beautiful sunset as you can see.

If baby has not been born by next Wednesday then my OB will schedule an induction. It would be sitcom appropriate if I gave birth on Labor Day, but I doubt they will let me wait that long.

1 comment:

meadowridge said...

Labor Day starts at midnight! Try Castor Oil. And, walk and walk and walk and walk and walk....