Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Humorous Spam Mail

Twice in the last week I have received spam email to my gmail account that actually made me laugh. Both emails were for Canadian Rx's, and both had excellent subject lines:
#1: "Griddle riddle cakes"
#2: "Stackin the grizzles"

Whomever this shaddy drug distribution company is using for spam mail has an excellent sense of humor, and also makes me think that "griddle" and "grizzle" may just be naturally funny words. Just like "moist" is a automatically cringe inducing word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still lol re the "airport dash" having done same on my way home from tx...that 4hour wait for the next available seat gave me time to make some resolutions similar to yours! (adding the resolution to always bring a baggy of nuts and raisens!)
Griddle = pre-literate Gribley!
So sorry to read @ the childcare woes!!!
re your baby registry...is there anything at the high end of your 'must-have' list that hasn't been 'claimed'?

Sending TLC for Mom & Dad