Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ethics Class Discussion Board Making My Head Spin

Is it Virginia? Something in the water that makes my otherwise perfectly reasonable doctor a Republican? Something that makes people still put Ron Paul signs in their yards even though he isn't running anymore?

My weekly ethics class discussion board is on ethical relativism, and we are supposed to mention the Alice Walker novel "...Secret Joy" which is a follow-up to "The Color Purple" and mentions the African practice of female genital mutilation. This is a pretty easy ethical decision. Female genital mutilation is disgusting! Abhorrent! But, there are women in my class defending the practice on the grounds that: "

Many times we must realize that all cultures view things differently. In her case, when she returned to Africa-she should have adjusted back to the culture she was in. For example, if i moved to a different country I would have to adjust my actions to that culture." - REAL FRIGGIN QUOTE.

My response back to this women asked her is she wants he clitoris removed. I may be breaking the classroom rule on polite discussion board entries. Argh!

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