Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back From The Big Easy

Rick and I just returned from a 5-day jaunt to New Orleans. NOLA is a very strange place to vacation while pregnant. No booze (and there was an absinthe bar, or faux absinthe bar, I would have loved to of tried the stuff). No smoking, or even hanging out in the incredibly smoky bars because it makes me feel like I will puke. And I get comatose tired around midnight, so I couldn't even waddle down Bourbon street at 3AM and watch the scene. Despite these hindrances I really enjoyed the trip.

Rick got to partake in NOLA craziness as we also traveled with our official new orleans tour guide, aka Steve A., who grew-up in the city and stayed through college. Traveling with an x-cook to his glutonous home town is a treat I wish for everyone. On Sunday I actually ate dessert with EVERY meal. Really! This helped me gain the pregnancy pounds, but unless I have 1 fetus in my belly, and another in each side of my bum, well, I don't think the continual slurping of butter and cream was exactly the prego diet my ob has in mind.

Not that the entire trip was checking off of the seven deadly. Steve was on a scouting trip for a group of 75 volunteers who are heading to NOLA in a month to rebuild some homes. For 5ish hours on Friday we were given a tour by Pastor Bruce of the hurricane damage in the various wards and parishes, and got to meet the families whose homes Steve will be working on. Rick will be getting the photos from the whole trip online shortly, and I think the photos will speak louder than any words.

1 comment:

Tankboy said...

I've been to that faux absinthe bar. You didn't miss anything.

And even a booze hound like me can attest to the fact that there is plenty in NOLA to keep one occupied, even if you don't partake of the 24-hour bar scene.