We had a successful two week well-child appointment today. Other than Boone's hatred of the car seat he was perfectly behaved on our outing, and came in with some impressive stats. He was born 8 lb 1.5 oz, lost about 10% of his weight in his first 3 days (which is normal), then managed to come in at 8 lbs 15.5 oz today.
2 week Height: 21.5 inches (78 %)
2 week Weight: 8 lb 15.5 oz (55%)
All the family is doing well. We survived our first weekend with a 1:1 child to adult ratio. Well, we barely survived. Harper has decided to stop napping the most inopportune time. She really should have waited at least 6 more months. So she plays in her room for a few hours in the afternoon. Based on the noise from her room her "play" involves a herd of elephants, a chain saw, and a pogo stick.
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