Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Poor Daddy Rick. First Harper started clapping. She clapped for me, for Rick's boss, for Rick's boss's boss, but not for daddy for a full 24 hours.

Yesterday she scooched for the first time, and it was at our friends Abby and Arild's house. Arild got to see it, but Rick was at work. At least she put on a command performance this morning. Of course, video will be forth coming.

I don't know why I am excited about this. I can no longer leave her on the bed while I brush my teeth, or on the couch while I get ready to go out. Heck, I won't be able to leave her in the middle of the kitchen while I make dinner.

As a preparatory measure I went on the run this morning. I will try to get in shape before the real mobility gets going.

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