Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My new wallpaper

So I realized today that I have a photo of our wedding day, and a photo of my dog (wearing the terrible, adorable leopard print jacket we bought her way back) and a photo of my wife as a little girl at my desk, and no photo of my daughter!  So here's my new wallpaper:
And here's a few more photos, for good measure.  I'll also send them out via email to the main requesters:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

We could have named her Apple

So, Lisa Marie Presley named one of her twin daughters Harper. How do Rick and I have the same taste as someone who married Michael Jackson? And I want everyone to note for the record that all the name du jour Harpers happened after Rick and I named our Harper. (My childcare worker, Leslee, told me that a friend of hers who had a baby a month ago also named the daughter Harper).
Harper Count Watch: 4.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Two Harpers

First infant massage class today, and out of the 8 babies in class there are two Harpers. The other is a little boy.  What the ...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Best Birthday Present Ever

It was my 32nd b-day yesterday and due to help from fabulous Grandmother Dixie I got the best present ever: a full nights sleep.

Baby Inventions Rick and I think are long overdue:
1) an infant grill (mouthpiece) that when a parent presses a button magnetically pulls a pacifier into the infant's mouth.
2) A countdown clock you can attach to the infant's clothing that says how long til they are supposed to eat again.
3) A crib bumper that is solely made from breast and nipple shaped silicon that the infant can safely nuzzle up against and suck on.
4) A pack-n-play that vibrates/roles/whatever-movement-your-infant-finds-sleep-inducing.
5) A robot that will walk your infant around your house until it falls asleep and then magically set infant in crib w/o waking.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday Morning at the McTodds

Here's a Sunday morning at the McTodds.
Baby wakes up happy, not going to sleep typically after 8-9ish morning feeding.  We try to let her just be happy and awake, and to interact with her.  As you can see she's pretty good with the arms and legs, the head not so much:

Then we make our way downstairs.  If Grama McTodd is here, we get pastries and The Sunday Times.  The dog is always close, of course:

Then this morning we went for a short walk, baby in stroller:

This will be followed by an afternoon of football on the couch, of course.  Nugget really likes football.